2023-24Site Personal Branding
GretaLuz Arteterapia
Finding the clearest ways to make art therapy understood by a wider audience and organizing blogs and appointments in a simple manner.

Project Challenge


We collaborated synergistically with art therapist Greta De Giovanni to develop a website that clearly and professionally communicated her project. Greta De Giovanni needed an integrated tool to effectively manage her blog and appointments. Additionally, she wanted to reach new target audiences, such as associations, and aimed to transform her visual identity on social media into something more structured and professional, with the goal of engaging new associative contexts.

Design Approach

Brainstorming Iniziale:

Un’analisi approfondita delle esigenze e degli obiettivi ha dato il via a un proceszso creativo di brainstorming, plasmando le prime idee e strategie.

Sitemap e Flusso di Lavoro:

La struttura del sito è stata definita attraverso la creazione di una sitemap dettagliata, delineando la gerarchia delle informazioni. Il flusso di lavoro è stato progettato per massimizzare l’usabilità e l’accessibilità.

UI delle Pagine in Figma:

L’interfaccia utente è stata prototipata utilizzando Figma, dando vita a una visione tangibile del design del sito prima della fase di sviluppo.

Design Approch 2.0

Website Development:

The design was implemented using WordPress, ensuring design consistency and optimal functionality.

Quality Control, Testing, and Refining:
Each phase underwent checks and tests to ensure a better user experience. Any feedback was promptly integrated to further refine the project.

The Solution

Creare un Sito Semplice e Fruibile con molti contenuti

To ensure a visually engaging website that encourages exploration, we focused on the harmony between captivating visual elements and a robust textual structure, organized into sections. This approach allows users the freedom to explore specific topics by following the sections that interest them most.


To improve navigation, a content legend was added to the footer on desktop views and below the header in the mobile navigation. This helps guide the user while allowing them to freely select the information they need.

Evoluzione dell'Identità Visiva

To address the first goal, we led the transformation process, transitioning from a social media visual identity to a more structured brand. The design is engaging and consistent with the existing communication, but refined for greater clarity on the website.

Espansione Target

One of the initial goals was to be able to tell the story of the activity and communicate it to associative organizations or institutions, thus adopting a more institutional and direct communication style to reach different contexts. We therefore focused on organizing everything with precision and clarity.

2023Brand Identity
AmbèPastry Lab
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